Egaeus Press

Morbid & Fantastical Works

In Delirium's Circle

Stephen J. Clark

I say that one must be a seer, make oneself a seer. The poet makes himself a seer by a long, boundless, and systematic derangement of all the senses.
-Arthur Rimbaud, 1871

In Delirium's Circle

Set amongst the fogbound and beleaguered streets of post-war Newcastle Upon Tyne, In Delirium's Circle documents the obscure fate of William Fetch, artist and seer, in his pursuit of the truth behind a secret society of sinister game-players and the nebulous masters to whom they are enthralled. Fetch sees in these shadowy individuals perhaps his final chance to know the hidden worlds he has devoted his life to discovering. But are the choices he is making really his own?

In Delirium's Circle is Stephen J. Clark's first novel, an unsettling tale of secrecy and obsession, of haunting memories and spiralling madness.

See a sample chapter HERE.

The book contains 21 original illustrations as well as full colour endpapers by the author. It is a lithographically printed, 256 page sewn hardback, limited to 300 copies. ISBN 978-0-957160613.


In Delirium's Circle

In Delirium's Circle

In Delirium's Circle

In Delirium's Circle

In Delirium's Circle


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